
How To Put Cloves On Ham

There are few things more beautiful than a perfectly prepared Ham with a Honey Glaze sitting on a dinner tabular array. With the addition of whole cloves, this ham is elevated to a new, elegant level, that will leave family and friends in awe! If you happen to want a simpler version, try my Crock Pot Ham. Don't forget the Roasted Carrots and Mashed Potatoes when creating your epic banquet!

Overhead Image of Glazed Ham with Cloves

Dear Glazed Ham

This recipe is crazy piece of cake only really packs a dial with flavour and presentation. Nosotros opted to utilize whole cloves pressed into the top of the ham and this really gives the ham a "wow" factor, in addition to a fantastic and unique flavor. There are but five ingredients:

  • ham
  • whole cloves
  • brown sugar
  • honey
  • butter

The quality of ingredients matters when each plays such a vital role in your finished product.

I opted for a shank cutting (the leg). The shank end is what most holiday hams are, so it's a proficient choice if y'all desire a beautiful presentation. The meat tends to be fattier and it has ane long bone, which makes carving easier. A barrel-end is a bit bacteria only has a T-os in it which can be difficult to cutting around. (But perfect for broths and soups!) Our ham was non spiral-sliced which ways nosotros will carve it ourselves. If you lot do not want to carve your ham, you can use a spiral-sliced.

I love using the whole cloves because they add a cute flavor and can be easily removed from each piece. (I don't consume the clove itself.)

Equally far equally love, I love using locally sourced honey, every bit I honey to support local beekeepers and their positive effects on the environment. In a pinch, I will employ shop-bought honey and it will work just fine.

Cutting Into Honey Glazed Ham

How Exercise Yous Bake a Ham?

You will want to place your ham face-downward into a foil or parchment-lined pan. (Just makes for easier cleanup!) Beyond that key tip, there are a couple of unlike things that you can practise to brand sure your ham comes out perfect every time.

Make sure you know your oven. Nosotros know we have a hot spot in the left-back corner, so I make sure I rotate my ham at least once while baking. I also accept a thermometer that lives within my oven and shows me accurate temperatures. And yes, it does vary from what the oven says it is at! Baking ham too hot tin lead to a dry ham and yous practice NOT desire a dry ham.

Accept a basting brush on hand. This really is the best tool to utilise and there aren't many alternatives that can cover too. I prefer the silicone brush as I observe that natural bristle brushes tend to "shed" and leave bristles on my food.

How practise You Score Ham?

The principal things you will desire to know are how many lines to create when scoring and how deep to cutting. We prefer more cloves, so did a "tight" score, slicing through the meat virtually every inch. However, you could likewise practise a larger grid blueprint by making a diagonal piece through the same every couple of inches. Start on the side and slice all the way along the ham length-wise.

The beginning time I scored a ham I cut about an inch deep. My thought procedure was that the glaze would have more opportunity to seem into the cracks and the ham would be even moister. This was not the case! I recommend only cutting about 1/8 inch to 1/two inch deep.

Brand sure your knife is sharp. I as well prefer a longer blade.

Raw Ham Being Glazed with Pastry Brush

Best Honey Glaze for Ham

The glaze is three simple ingredients:

  • dark-brown sugar
  • dearest
  • butter

I similar to rut the ingredients low and tedious until they are combined and the sugar has started to intermission down. I then proceed it warm over the lowest rut setting while the ham is baking. You practise not demand to go on it warm, but information technology helps for easy glazing.

Ham Honey with Carrots on a White Plate

What Do You Serve With Honey Glazed Ham?

If you are planning a large repast, here are some fantastic side dishes that always impress!

Roasted Carrots

Garlic and Parmesan Roasted Asparagus

Cheesy Scalloped Potatoes

Piece of cake Scalloped Zucchini

Green Bean Casserole

Like shooting fish in a barrel Dinner Rolls

  • five pound ham shank, pre-cooked
  • ane/4 cup whole cloves*
  • 1/iv cup brown sugar
  • 2 cups dear
  • 2/three loving cup butter
  • Preheat oven to 325°F.

  • Score ham, and stud with the whole cloves. Place ham in foil lined pan.

  • In a medium bucket, heat the brown sugar, honey, and butter. Go on glaze warm while blistering the ham. (You tin add more honey if needed.)

  • Carefully castor glaze over ham that has been studded with cloves, and then create a foil tent for the ham.

  • Broil for 1 hour and fifteen minutes, basting the ham every 10 to 15 minutes with the honey glaze. (Exist careful to pull the rack out fully then you lot don't take to reach into a hot oven.) I left ane side of the foil less secured so that I could easily pull it back when basting.

  • During the last 4 to five minutes of blistering, remove the foil and turn on the broiler to caramelize the glaze. The Internal temperature should be 140°F.

  • Remove from the oven and permit sit a few minutes before serving.

*You can apply equally little as one tablespoon of cloves. Some folks likewise omit them entirely.

Did yous brand this recipe?

Thank yous for making my recipe! You took pictures, correct? Well go ahead and postal service them on Instagram! Exist sure to mention me @iambaker and employ the hashtag #YouAreBaker.

Categorized in: Food + Drink

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Amanda Rettke is the creator of I Am Baker, and the bestselling author of Surprise Inside Cakes: Amazing Cakes for Every Occasion – With a Little Something Extra Inside.Over the course of her 15+ year blogging adventure, she has been featured in and collaborated with the Food Network, New York Times, LA Times, Land Living Magazine, People Mag, Epicurious, Brides, Romantic Homes, life:beautiful, Publishers Weekly, The Daily Mail, Star Tribune, The World and Mail, DailyCandy, YumSugar, The Knot, The Kitchn, and Parade, to proper noun a few.


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